digitise photos

How To Digitise Photos From Old Archives

Some of the best photographs I have ever taken were on my old film camera when I was just starting out in the photography world. The nostalgia that they bring is quite something, but they do tend to just sit in a box or album and go nowhere. One of the best things I ever did was to digitise photos from my past and bring them into the 21st century. If you do it properly it can really do the old pictures justice and allows for them to be shared and collaborated upon with friends and colleagues.

digitise photos

How Do You Digitise Photos?

If you want to digitise photos and do not know how, then the first option available to you is to hire an expert photographer to convert photos to high resolution images. He will use his skills and the latest technology to turn your old photos into great looking pictures. However, this process may take a lot of time and may be expensive. You may also need to buy all the required equipment that is required in the conversion process.

The next option for digitising photos is to get your own scanner and do it yourself. The choice of scanner is a crucial one because it affects your quality and cost. A scanner can be divided into three types, namely, optical, electronic and hybrid. Each type of scanner works differently and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should consider your requirements before deciding which scanner will best suit your needs.


Doing It Yourself

If you already have access to a scanner, you can convert your photographs with the help of special software. There are many software available in the market and most of them are free of cost. All you need to do is to download the software and install it on your computer or laptop, after which you can start digitising photos.

Another way to digitise photos is by using special software known as Adobe Photoshop. It is widely used to convert slides into digital form so that they can be stored on your hard drive. This is the easiest and fastest method available for transforming old colour prints into digital format. All you need to do is to upload the slides in the software, select the colour printouts that you want to convert into digital form and then simply save them on your computer. If you do not have any slide files on your computer, you can even make copies of some old colour prints.

Learn More About Converting Photos

To learn how to digitise photos, you will need to find out the details about the conversion process. This is very easy to do if you search for the websites that offer digitise photos in digital format. You can easily search for such a website and then you can choose the one that suits you the best. There are plenty of websites offering to digitise photos and they will help you with conversion services at reasonable prices.

You can also hire a professional photographer or company to convert your old media like negatives and slides into digital format. The charges for such services vary according to the service provider. However, most of the websites offer digitised photographs at reasonable prices and you can choose the best one that suits your requirement.